Hallo Almal
Die planters het geloop en ons wag vir die reën is beloon. Oral in die Suidkaap kom die gewasse al op of staan al hier en daar sterk. Die Swartland sal nou ook begin blom. Ons vertrou dat die Liewe Heer ons sal seen met ‘n goeie seisoen.
Geniet die Mei nuusbrief.
Die redakteur
Hi All
Seeding is done for the most part and the rain has arrived. Everywhere in the Southern Cape crops are appearing and in some cases oats and canola are already standing strong. The Swartland will also be more green in the first week of June. We trust that the Lord will bless us with an outstanding season.
Enjoy the lastest newsletter.
The editor
May 2020 – Issue 83