February 2022 – Issue 99


Hallo almal,

Februarie is iets van die verlede en Maart is volstoom aan die gang. ’n Bekommernis oor die beskikbaarheid van kanolasaad en die koste van insette druk sekerlik nog swaar op almal se gemoedere. Sterkte met al die besluite wat gepaardgaan met die planttyd, wat net om die draai lê. Die afgelope week of twee is ’n bietjie meer lande wat gebrand word in die Suid-Kaap waargeneem. Die Swartland sal ook seker binnekort dynserig wees van die rook. Onthou maar net wat ons aan ons omgewing doen wanneer ons brand. Ons plaas rofweg 1,5 keer die hoeveelheid CO2 in die lug as die materiaal wat ons brand. Só raak waardevolle koolstof verlore wat eintlik in die grond hoort. Ander elemente is ook daarmee heen. Die brand van lande het ’n regstreekse impak op die koste van kunsmis en gaan ook ’n rol speel ten opsigte van vogbewaring. Genoeg gepreek. Lekker lees!

Groete van huis tot huis

Hello everyone,

February is behind us and the month of March is in full swing. There is a big concern about the availability of canola seed and the cost of inputs is also deeply worrying. Best of luck with all the decisions related to the planting season, which is around the corner. The past week or two more burnt lands were observed in the Southern Cape. Soon the Swartland will probably also be misty due to smoke. Please just remember what we are doing to our environment when we burn our lands. We place roughly 1,5 times the amount of CO2 back in the air than the material that we are burning. In the process valuable carbon gets lost that actually should be in the soil. Other elements also get destroyed. The burning of lands has a direct impact on the cost of fertiliser and will also have an influence on moisture retention. Enough said. Enjoy the reading!

Greetings from our house to yours.

February 2022 – Issue 99
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