Hallo Almal
Planttyd is hier. Daar is heelwat produsente wat begin het om weidings en canola in te sit. Canola en dekgewasse op Langgewens, binne die proewe, is ook al geplant. Ten skrywe van hierdie nuusbrief was daar vooruitsigte van reën en ons opregte hoop is dat die seisoen nou ‘n aanvang kan neem. Alle sterkte word al ons produsente toegewens asook almal wat hulle moet bystaan.
Die Maart toer na Reitz was ‘n reuse sukses. In hierdie nuusbrief gee ons ‘n kort oorsig van die toer en sal deur die loop van die jaar met al die toerlede gesels om te hoor wat hulle geleer het.
Groete van huis tot huis
Hallo Everybody
The planting season has arrived and a good number of producers has started planting canola and fodder crops. The canola in the long term cropping trials at Langgewens has also been planted along with the cover crops. While writing this newsletter the prospects are that some rain will fall during the next few days. It is our sincere hope that our production season will fully up and running with this rain. Good luck to all our producers and their respective support teams.
The March tour to Reitz was a huge success. Inside the newsletter you will find a short summary of the tour. During the year we will chat to all the tour members on their tour experience and what they have learned.
Kind regards