June 2023 – Issue 111


Hallo almal,

’n Mens kan amper nie glo dat ons van so ’n droë jaar in 2022 kan gaan na die oormaat vog van vanjaar nie, Dis nat, natter en erg nat so deur die provinsie. So het elke seisoen maar sy uitdagings. Ons vertrou dat dit goed sal gaan die res van die seisoen. Onthou asb van die 11de BLWK Jack Human wat binnekort plaasvind. Ons het ook die koste dieselfde gehou as verlede jaar.

Groete van huis tot huis.

Hello everyone, Wet, wetter, wettest. It looks like this is the motto for the Western Cape this year. Coming from a very dry year last year it almost seems impossible that the change can be so drastic. As is the case in a dry season, the moisture also places challenges before us. We hope that you are coping and that the season will turn out to be a memorable one. Remember our 11th annual CAWC Jack Human Week is upon us. There is still room available, and we have kept the pricing the same as last year.

 All the best!

Dr Johann Strauss


June 2023 – Issue 111
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