Ons is al weer in die tweede maand van die jaar, so te sê 2 en ‘n half maande weg van die 2019 winter produksie seisoen. Ons hoop en vetrou die jaar sal voorspoedig wees vir almal en dat ons geseën sal word met goeie reën. Daar is baie om na uit te sien met al die beplande aksies van die BLWK. Ons het reeds ons 1ste werkswinkel gehou oor onkruidbestuur en die tweede werkswinkel word vir later in Maart beplan. Die kongres word weer vanjaar saam met die Landbouweekblad en die Departement van Landbou aangebied op die 6de en 7de Augustus. Ons sal einde Maart die lys van sprekers bekend maak. Geniet die eerste nuusbrief van die jaar.
Die BLWK bestuur
The second month of 2019 has arrived and we are about 2 and a half months away from the 2019 winter production season. We hope and pray that 2019 will be a prosperous year for all and that we will be blessed with enough rain. The CAWC will host a number of workshops during the year of which the first, on weed control, has already taken place. The second workshop will follow in the second half of March. The annual conference will again be held later this year and we will again be joined by the Landbouweekblad and the Department of Agriculture in hosting the event. The conference speaker list will be announced at the end of March. The event will take place on the 6th and 7th of August. Enjoy the first newsletter of the year.
The CAWC Management team